Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Dear Anna, Yesterday I got new braces! They don't hurt as bad as spacers. I got green and pink rubber bands.They took forever to put them on! I was there, sitting in a chair for an hour and a half. The hardest part was holding my mouth open for so long! They said it will take about 30 minutes to clean my teeth EVERY night. Well, at least I get ice cream! Love, Bobbi:)

Friday, May 15, 2009

can't wait to see you!!!

hi!! I'm so sorry i haven't posted in so long! we've been so busy. the sock monkey you made is SO cool! he looks so cute with his arms crossed. we went to the beach on Sunday too. i am going to send you and M.J.a letter, so i don't have much to tell you. ha ha! i can't wait to see you SO badly .i miss you so much.
one of your best friends,

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sock Monkey

Dear Anna,
Yesterday I was at my Nan's house and we spent all day making a sock monkey. It was a little tiring with all the hand sewing but when the monkey was done... it was worth it. We even went to the craft store and got him a little hat. He is so cute!:) I named him Larry.

Love Bobbi